Organizational knowledge in innovation processes in SMEs in the state of Puebla, Mexico.

conocimiento organizacional en procesos de innovación en pymes del estado de Puebla, México.




shared experience, information exchange, integrated knowledge, new practices


The aim of this article is to measure the predictive capacity of organizational knowledge inNon-technological innovation processes in SMEs in the Mixteca Baja region in the Mexican state of Puebla. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed to measure construct validity and confirm that the items of the measurement instrument make conceptual sense and theoretical relevance. Structural equation models, regression models, and multiple linear correlation using the two-stage method were used in data analysis. Statistical software for social sciences and structural analysis was used in the estimates.At the significance level of 10.0%, the variables shared experience (beta = .225, p<.001) and information exchange (beta = .107, p<.001) are significant. Together, they explain 18.7% of the variance of new practices. On the other hand, 20.8% of marketing variance is explained by shared experience (beta = .439, p>.001).It is concluded that shared experience is a good predictor of new practices (16.7%) and also marketing (20.8%). While information sharing is a good predictor of new practices (2.0%), but not of marketing. Integrated knowledge is not a predictor of new practices or marketing.


El objetivo de este artículo es medir la capacidad de predicción del conocimiento organizacional en procesos de innovación no tecnológica en las pymes de la mixteca baja en el estado mexicano de Puebla. Para medir la validez de constructo y corroborar que los reactivos del instrumento de medición tienen sentido conceptual y pertinencia teórica se realizaron un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). En el análisis de datos se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, modelos de regresión y correlación lineal múltiple mediante el método de dos etapas. En las estimaciones se utilizó un software estadístico para las ciencias sociales y el análisis de estructuras.
Al nivel de significancia del 10.0%, las variables experiencia compartida (beta = .225, p<.001) e intercambio de información (beta = .107, p<.001) son significativas. En conjunto, explican 18.7% de
la varianza de nuevas prácticas. En cambio, la varianza de mercadotecnia es explicada en 20.8% por experiencia compartida (beta = .439, p>.001).
Se concluye que la experiencia compartida es un buen predictor de nuevas prácticas (16.7%) y también de mercadotecnia (20.8%). Mientras que el intercambio de información es un buen predictor de nuevas prácticas (2.0%), pero no de mercadotecnia. Conocimiento integrado no es un predictor de nuevas prácticas ni de mercadotecnia.


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Author Biographies

Conrado Aguilar Cruz, Mixteca Technological University

Doctor in administration sciences, master in organizational administration and graduate in economics
from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently, full-time Research Professor in the
areas of economics and administration and Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities
of the Technological University of La Mixteca. Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI).
E-mail: Corresponding author, research line management of organizational innovation.  

Carlos Vázquez Cid de León, Technological University of Mixteca

Dr. Carlos is a full-time research professor at the Technological University of Mixteca and is affiliated with the Institute of Industrial and Automotive Engineering. Some of his main positions include Campus Director, Institute Head, Institutional Representative, Operations Manager, and referee for international indexed journals.

Lilia Alejandra Flores Castillo, Technological University of Mixteca

Professor of Economics attached to the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Technological University of La Mixteca. Graduated from the Postgraduate Studies Section of the National Polytechnic Institute of the Higher School of Economics. Member of the National System of Researchers Level 1, her line of research is economics and finance.



How to Cite

Aguilar Cruz, C., Vázquez Cid de León, C., & Flores Castillo, L. A. (2024). Organizational knowledge in innovation processes in SMEs in the state of Puebla, Mexico.: conocimiento organizacional en procesos de innovación en pymes del estado de Puebla, México. Revista RELAYN- Micro Y Pequeñas Empresas En Latinoamérica, 8(1), 48–62.