Reliability and Validity within the Scale of Decent Jobs for Mexican Workers.

Confiabilidad y validez de la escala de trabajo decente para trabajadores mexicanos.


  • Carlos Robles Acosta Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Sarahi Guadalupe Hernández Castro Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Laura Edith Alviter Rojas Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Zugaide Escamilla Salazar Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Sustainable Development Goals, Satisfaction with life, Job satisfaction, Decent work, Validation of instruments


The purpose of this research was to analyze the reliability and validity of the Decent Work Scale for workers in Mexico, using an instrumental design study with a sample of 1 192 collaborators from medium sized companies. The confirmatory factorial analysis supported the original theoretical model, reporting adequate fix indices, estimated and reliable factorial loads. The scale can be used for diagnosing and implementing actions to meet the objectives of sustainable development goal 8 (ODS08) on decent and productive work as part of the 2030 Agenda.


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How to Cite

Robles Acosta, C., Hernández Castro, S. G., Alviter Rojas, L. E., & Escamilla Salazar, Z. (2024). Reliability and Validity within the Scale of Decent Jobs for Mexican Workers.: Confiabilidad y validez de la escala de trabajo decente para trabajadores mexicanos. Revista RELAYN- Micro Y Pequeñas Empresas En Latinoamérica, 8(3), 56–69.