The COVID-19’s impact on structural elements of MSEs

COVID-19’s impact on structural elements of MSEs




COVID-19, MSE, system


This research performed a comparative study between indicators provided by a systematic analysis of micro and small enterprises (MSE) carried out by the Latin-American Network of Administration and Business (RELAYN) in 2020, prior to the health contingency caused by COVID-19, and in 2021, with the objective of identifying the elements that have affected MSEs due to partial closure of their activities. The main results show that enterprises sought to adapt to the situation by centering their efforts towards innovation and sales management, as well as the preservation of jobs to the maximum extent possible and thus, continue their operations. The economic panorama is complex because expectations of survival has diminished due to the announcement of an inflationary increase.


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How to Cite

Paredes Barceló, R. G., Ferrales Montes, J. J., & Antillón Navarro, H. (2022). The COVID-19’s impact on structural elements of MSEs: COVID-19’s impact on structural elements of MSEs. Revista RELAYN- Micro Y Pequeñas Empresas En Latinoamérica, 6(1), 67–79.