The impact of satisfaction on the productivity of micro and small enterprises in latin america: systemic analysis from a gender perspective.




Diferencias de género, gestión de la mype, Micro y pequeñas empresas


This research aims to determine if there are significant differences in management perceptions between women and men managers of micro and small businesses; For this, a non-experimental cross-sectional quantitative study is presented, where a total of 40 173 micro and small enterprises (mypes) were worked on, of which 18 895 are directed by women and 21 278 by men; 14 variables were analyzed from the systemic analysis and it was observed that in 12 of these there are differences in the way of operating of the companies under study. Linear regressions are performed with the aim of investigating which of the variables of the systemic analysis has the greatest impact on the productivity of the company, finding in the organizations directed by women that satisfaction with the company and the management are more important, while in the in the case of directors, satisfaction and human resources are the most significant elements. This research contributes to the knowledge about the management of micro and small companies, verifying that there are significant differences between the mypes that are directed by women and those that are led by men.


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How to Cite

Peña Ahumada, N. B. (2024). The impact of satisfaction on the productivity of micro and small enterprises in latin america: systemic analysis from a gender perspective. Revista RELAYN- Micro Y Pequeñas Empresas En Latinoamérica, 8(3), 7–20.