iQuatro Editores es una empresa comprometida con brindar servicios editoriales con los más altos estándares de calidad a través de procesos de arbitraje por pares a doble ciego con el apoyo de investigadores especializados y dictaminación respaldada por instituciones académicas.

iQ4 Editores gestiona:

• Libros digitales de investigaciones multidisciplinarias con el sello editorial 978-607-59684 • Revista RELAYN. Micro y pequeña empresa en Latinoamérica, con ISSN: 2594-1674
Revista RELAYN Archivo

• Revista RELEP. Educación y pedagogía en Latinoamérica, con ISSN: 2594-2913
Revista RELEP Archivo

Ambas indexadas en sistemas académicos internacionales como Latindex, REDIB, EBSCO, Clase, Amelica, Biblat, LatinREV y DOAJ.


  • Libros iQuatro

    Nuestro objetivo es impulsar el desarrollo de académicos e investigadores a través de la producción y publicación de libros digitales de investigaciones multidisciplinarias, con la finalidad promover el aporte a la ciencia, los cuales cuentan con el sello editorial: 978-607-59684.

  • Revista RELAYN- Micro y Pequeñas empresas en Latinoamérica

    The RELAYN magazine is a magazine produced by the homonymous network, which has annually carried out the largest research on mypes in Latin America, raising to date more than 200,000 questionnaires in person at the establishments. The journal is refereed by peers and is published quarterly for the dissemination of contributions to the science of micro and small business management and administration in general when the finding is related to the praxis of the mype.

    We receive original articles related to the topics specified in the scope of the journal, particularly in the areas of the relevance of micro and small businesses in society and the economy and in general with proposals that support the theory of administrative and economic sciences. Articles are received in Spanish, English and French.
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  • Revista RELEP- Educación y Pedagogía en Latinoamérica

    Relep magazine is a journal produced by the homonymous network, which will annually carry out the largest independent scientific research in educational centers in Latin America. The journal is peer-reviewed and published quarterly for the dissemination of contributions to the science of education and pedagogy. 
    We receive original articles related to the topics specified in the scope of the journal, particularly in the areas of relevance of classroom education and in general with any related topic. Articles are received preferably in Spanish, English and French.