Journal Policies

Open Access Policy

RELEP is a free journal which is promoted by the Latin American Network of Education and Pedagogy and is sponsored by the Latin American Studies Network and endorsed by iQuatro Editores.

Our philosophy adheres to the definition given by the Budapest Open Access Initiative which consists of free access to public internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of our articles, trace by indexing (crawling), use them as software data or any legal application, without any financial, legal or technical barrier, going beyond what is required to access the internet. The only purpose of restricting reproduction and distribution and the only function of copyright licensing is so that authors maintain control over their research and the right to receive credit for their research (to be cited).

Open access policy is registered at the following address

APC Policy (Article processing charges)

The RELEP journal does not charge fees related to the application, evaluation or publication, since the article processing expenses are subsidized by the Red de Estudios Latinoamericanos en Educación y Pedagogía (RELEP).


RELEP is a free journal which is promoted by the Latin American Network of Education and Pedagogy and endorsed by iQuatro Editores.

Our philosophy adheres to the definition given by the Budapest Open Access Initiative which consists of free access to public internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of our articles, trace for indexing (crawling), use them as software data or any legal application, without any financial, legal or technical barrier, going beyond what is required to access the internet.

The only purpose of restricting reproduction and distribution and the only function of copyright licensing is so that authors maintain control over their research and the right to receive credit for their research (to be cited). 

Copyright and licensing

Copyright: The author retains the copyright on published work except where indicated. 

Publication License: Authors who publish in the Relayn Journal are asked to sign a transfer of publication rights in which they grant unlimited rights to publish the accepted work in any medium, format and language within the legal framework. Authors publish their work under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.

Licencia de Creative Commons

Authors reserve their non-exclusive rights to their work and can use it in any way they desire as long as they correctly attribute the journal as an original source using the citation format specified in each article. These rights include the possibility to publish the article in social networks or official sites which correspond to the author or university.

Review process

This process consists of the following stages and at any of these stages the submission may be returned to the author with observations:

Stage 1. Manuscripts received are reviewed for plagiarism, through “Plagiarism”. If plagiarism is detected, the article will definitely be rejected, and the author will be notified of this.

Stage 2. The manuscript is reviewed to ensure adherence to editorial criteria which consists of two elements:
a) That it is in line with the aim and scope of the journal. b) That it meets citation criteria, format, and sections contained in the template. If these requirements are not met, the article is returned to the author who may resubmit it once the necessary adjustments are made.

Stage 3. Articles that meet editorial criteria will be sent to a double-blind peer review process with experts in the subject area those of which do not form part of the technical team of the journal. These experts will weigh its relevance and quality and will decide if the content of the article is suitable for its inclusion in the article adhering to the quality criteria mentioned in this site. In this process, the names of the evaluators as well as those being evaluated are kept confidential.

Stage 4. Once the opinions are received, any of the following editorial decisions are taken:

- Reject the article; notifying the author of the reasons for not publishing.
- Accept the article with slight modifications; the author should consider the opinions observed and the editor will decide if they have been resolved.
- Accept the article without modifications.
- Accept the article with important modifications, the author must take into consideration the observations of the opinion and the modified article will be returned to the same reviewers who will decide if changes have been resolved.

Stage 5. Once the final version of the article has been accepted, it will be prepared for its inclusion in the corresponding issue of the journal.

The editors authorize the reproduction of the text for academic purposes only and in strict compliance with the norms of reference in favor of the author and the editorial institutions.


RELAP Journal. “Education and Pedagogy in Latin America” rejects any fraudulent practice, therefore the manuscripts submitted must be original, unedited and have not been simultaneously sent to other editorials. Furthermore, results must be presented in a clear manner without manipulation or falsification.

It is understood that the authors have read and accepted the editorial criteria for their participation, consequently authors are committed to comply with the requirements of academic and scientific honesty in the problematization, argumentation, hypothesis, use of methodologies, interpretation, conclusions and the use of the critical paraphrasing apparatuses or quoting sources. Therefore, authors assume responsibility of respecting the intellectual property rights and copyrights of third parties or organizations.

Submitted articles will be reviewed by Plagiarism - a plagiarism detection program where manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism, otherwise they will be rejected. This is to ensure that it is a high-level and serious journal. 

Code of conduct and best practices

Our Journal is aligned with the Code of Conduct and Best Practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors of scientific journals.

Erratums and retractions

Authors who, for any reason, wish to make an erratum or retraction please, send an e-mail to in a free format specifying the title of the article, year of publication, volume, and number. The error should be mentioned, and the article will be resubmitted to the editorial process

Archiving policy

The articles of the RELEP magazine are archived in Internet Archive and Portico to guarantee their long-term availability.