The identification of neurodidactic elements in the teaching-learning process of normalist teachers

La identificación de Elementos Neurodidácticos en el proceso Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de Maestros Normalistas




Didáctica, neurociencias, neurodidáctica, Didactics, neurosciences, neurodidactics


This is a descriptive quantitative research; the objective is to identify neurodidactic elements in the teaching-learning process of normalist teachers. A likert-type opinion survey was applied to 242 students of the Normal School of Juchipila, Zacatecas, which had a high reliability with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.981. This survey is based on the neurodidactic classroom model proposed by Lázaro (2022), which consists of 8 moments: 1. Motivation, 2. Activation of previous knowledge, 3. Input of information, 4. Comprehension tests, 5. Learning by doing, 6. Various repetitions, 7. Challenge and 8. Diagnosis. It was found that it is necessary to improve students' self-esteem, take into account account their emotions, metacognitive processes, a focus on process evaluation, the application of brain oxygenation, cognitive, procedural and attitudinal activities, and challenges.


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How to Cite

Damián García, C. A., Alba Medrano, A., Mejía Durán, D. C., & Luján Moreno, R. A. (2023). The identification of neurodidactic elements in the teaching-learning process of normalist teachers: La identificación de Elementos Neurodidácticos en el proceso Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de Maestros Normalistas. Revista RELEP- Educación Y Pedagogía En Latinoamérica, 5(1), 57–67.