Utilidad del aula invertida en el pensamiento critico
Aula invertida, Efectos, Institución educativa, Pensamiento crítico.Abstract
The objective was to determine the effects that the inverted classroom or the "Flipped Classroom" had on the critical thinking of the students of an educational institution of primary level in Lima, 2022, it is quantitative, applied type, experimental and longitudinal design, it is hypothetical. deductive. A validated questionnaire of content and construct with reliability by Kr20 was used as a tool. The results obtained by a non-parametric statistic from Mann Whitney U indicate that the flipped classroom has significant effects on the critical thinking of the students of an institution school in Lima, where the model displayed a value of Z=-6.018 < Zc= -1.96, as well as p= 0.000<0.001.
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How to Cite
Vasquez Moscoso, C. C., Menacho Rivera, A. S., Contreras Espinola de Becerra , J. M., & Meneses Vasquez, D. V. (2023). Utilidad del aula invertida en el pensamiento critico. Revista RELEP- Educación Y Pedagogía En Latinoamérica, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.46990/relep.2023.5.2.972